
The Duxford Chatterbox is a monthly magazine, produced and distributed by a team of volunteers.   It is paid for entirely from advertising sales and is delivered free of charge to every household in Duxford.  The ‘Chatterteam’ strives to support our village and makes every effort to keep the magazine’s contents local, including providing local business advertising opportunities alongside local information for new and existing residents and visitors to the area.  Regular features include news from around the village, classified adverts and general interest articles.

If you have a service our readers would benefit from, look no further than the Duxford Chatterbox to promote yourself in this lovely village.  If you would like to produce an article for us or write a letter, feel free to do so.   We also love to receive photos of the local area (high resolution photos print better), and we have a for sale/wanted section which is free of charge.

Please note that our deadline for each issue is always the 9th of the month prior to publication.
All articles/editorials to –
Please contact –
All dates/events for the monthly diary to –

Duxford Parish Council